I believe copying the map containing structs and not pointers would make it 
consume twice the amount of memory which isn't desirable in my case.

- Julien

On Tuesday, 30 January 2018 00:09:21 UTC-5, Tamás Gulácsi wrote:
> Do you really need pointers tonyour structs in the map? Because that 
> causes the headache here: if no pointers, then simply rlock-ing the map, 
> copying / serializing would be enough.
> Could even have two maps, each gets every modification, except when 
> copying, when the secondary is serialized, thn updated with the accumulated 
> changes. With a goroutine managing the secondary, executing commands 
> (update, delete, marshal) from a buffered channel, this wouldn't uterfere 
> with the main map.

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