Can you describe your performance needs in more detail?

I missed the need for the struct values in the copy (obviously needed to 
encode to JSON). Going back to locks for a moment, my thought now is that a 
sync.RWMutex on this map would have an RLock taken by every struct 
read/write and then the Lock would be taken for the map copy which would 
return a map to copied structs instead of a map to pointers. Wouldn’t a 
fork lock the entire process while a larger copy happens anyway?

Where I’d start otherwise is adding additional data. Perhaps a second map 
could help with performance here.


On Monday, January 29, 2018 at 6:44:17 AM UTC-6, Julien Semaan wrote:
> Hi,
> Thanks for all the input.
> Unfortunately, as Tamás and Jake pointed out, I can't simply grab a copy 
> of the map that has the same pointers since I'll need to be locking the 
> structure everytime I'm copying it.
> So that means Matt's idea wouldn't really work for my use-case
> I was really hoping to have something similar to the fork behavior where I 
> could be working with a memory copy of the process in order to be able to 
> persist everything without holding a single lock either on the map or on 
> the actual structure.
> - Julien
> On Friday, 26 January 2018 15:44:46 UTC-5, Julien Semaan wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm currently tackling a head scratching problem (at least for me).
>> First, I'll start by explaining my main goal:
>> I have an in memory 'map[string]*SomeStructPointer' that I want to JSON 
>> encode and write to a file.
>> Now since I want to prevent concurrent access to the map, I need to 
>> lock-down access to it during the JSON encoding.
>> I want to avoid that locking or have it held for the smallest amount of 
>> time.
>> Next, my idea:
>> Fork the process, leveraging the copy-on-write, JSON encode the good 
>> stuff, write it to a file, then exit the child process.
>> During that time, I wouldn't need to lock-down access to the map since 
>> the forked process would have its own copy of the memory
>> I pretty much wanted to do what Redis does, but in Golang, and for a 
>> multi-threaded process which I now learned is not really possible (please 
>> correct me if I'm wrong I'd be happy).
>> So, with that failed idea behind me, I'm looking at how I could 
>> accomplish this in Golang while being memory efficient.
>> I'm opened to a lot of ideas, but I'd consider myself intermediate in 
>> Golang and beginner in C (if the answer involves CGO) so I might need 
>> detailed examples if we get in deep low level stuff.
>> I'd also like to have something that is pure Golang code since I'll be 
>> cross compiling this on multiple architectures using the go compiler.
>> Obviously, if more details are needed to answer the question, I'd be 
>> happy to provide them.
>> Thanks in advance!
>> - Julien

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