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On Thu, Apr 20, 2017 at 4:39 AM, hui zhang <> wrote:

> Thank you , I believe most function will return string  instead of string&
> I  test return string function ,   as expected it return the wrong value
> as the string is invalid out of function.
> strdup is easier , thank you.
> call GoString(getpath().c_str()) in the CGetPath function
> Is that possible ?

Please refer to the end of that sentence, which you didn't quote: "but I'm
not familiar enough with cgo to know if that's possible."
(This is why replying to the mailing list is better, someone there might be
more familiar with cgo)

> 2017-04-19 16:40 GMT+08:00 Frits van Bommel <>:
>> On Wednesday, April 19, 2017 at 9:10:16 AM UTC+2, hui zhang wrote:
>>> for  1) you mean
>>>> char *CGetPath() {
>>>>     return getpath().c_str();
>>>>   }
>>> this code will work ?
>> That depends on whether getpath() returns a std::string or a (const)
>> std::string& (a (const) reference). It will work if it returns a reference
>> or const reference, but is not guaranteed to work if it doesn't (though it
>> may appear to do so in some cases, or for some implementations of the C++
>> standard lib) because the standard lib is not required to use a
>> reference-counted dynamic array. For example, it might instead choose to
>> copy the array every time or to allocate small strings using an in-object
>> buffer to avoid the overhead of dynamic allocation, and in both of those
>> cases the return value of c_str() is no longer valid when the function
>> returns.
>> Also, if do you need to copy the string in C++ code:
>> strdup(getpath().c_str()) is better than malloc+strcpy (shorter and harder
>> to get wrong). Case in point: your implementation malloc'ed str.length()
>> bytes, failing to allocate an extra byte for the '\0' at the end.
>> Even better might be to call GoString(getpath().c_str()) in the CGetPath
>> function to ensure only a single copy is made, but I'm not familiar enough
>> with cgo to know if that's possible.
>>> 2017-04-19 14:43 GMT+08:00 Konstantin Khomoutov <
>>>> On Wed, 19 Apr 2017 14:23:09 +0800
>>>> hui zhang <> wrote:
>>>> > 1)   getpath()  return a temp string,  its  c_str() pointer will be
>>>> > free out of function. So I use malloc
>>>> I'm not completely sure you're correct.  C++ does not implement garbage
>>>> collection and the object on which you have called c_str() continues to
>>>> live on after getpath() returns.  Now let's cite the manual on c_str():
>>>> | The pointer obtained from c_str() may be invalidated by:
>>>> | * Passing a non-const reference to the string to any standard library
>>>> |   function, or
>>>> | * Calling non-const member functions on the string, excluding
>>>> |   operator[], at(), front(), back(), begin(), rbegin(), end() and
>>>> |   rend().
>>>> So I'd say in the sequence of calls I propose there's no chance of
>>>> anything quoted to happen -- basically the pointer returned by c_str()
>>>> gets passed to Go where C.GoString() copies the memory pointed to by it.
>>>> Things may break if you somehow concurrently call into your C++ side
>>>> and those calls may access the same std::string object we're talking
>>>> about.  But if you do this, all bets are already off.
>>>> > 2)  Assume we use the malloc way ,  are  C.GoString()   copying the
>>>> > pointer memory ?  for we need malloc memory.
>>>> Yes, C.GoString() copies the memory.
>>>> Yes, you always need to free() what was malloc()ed for you -- because
>>>> you own the returned pointer.
>>> --
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