Please, see this other example

For that case, I hope in future 
something merges all the good stuff existing in go practices
mixed with the simplicity and freedom of MD,
and some proper helpers like i did here

Go source code is meant to be read by humans and merely processed by 
> machines. It should not be made harder for humans to read in order to make 
> it easier for machines to read.
> If the godoc presentation needs improving, that's a fair point, but it's a 
> machine's job to do a better job with human input, not the other way around.

I don't figure out how the machine 
could invent the *proper* formatting intents I can t insert.

That markup is not intended to make it easier in any ways for a machine,
its chosen to make it possible for a writer 
to intentionally format the text rendering. 
(in total opposite of current doc conventions, yes)

For a reader, yes, it needs supports of a software to make it *strictly*
human readable.

I might have been adventurous in that idea, 

On Sunday, April 9, 2017 at 7:11:51 PM UTC+2, Rob 'Commander' Pike wrote:
> Go source code is meant to be read by humans and merely processed by 
> machines. It should not be made harder for humans to read in order to make 
> it easier for machines to read.
> If the godoc presentation needs improving, that's a fair point, but it's a 
> machine's job to do a better job with human input, not the other way around.
> -rob
> On Sun, Apr 9, 2017 at 10:03 AM, < <javascript:>> wrote:
>> That s a good question.
>> I could also reverse it, why godoc then ?
>>                              >.<
>> This said, I don t feel like it is so difficult to read.
>> I believe the fact it is a markup language opens capabilities
>> which are not available to raw comments.
>> One middle way, might be to have a doc file per package,
>> much like on github/gitlb project a md file is displayed
>> when such file exists.
>> On Sunday, April 9, 2017 at 1:55:14 PM UTC+2, Jan Mercl wrote:
>>> On Sun, Apr 9, 2017 at 1:21 PM <> wrote:
>>> > TLDR:
>>> Who wants to read markup language instead of normal, easy for human 
>>> readable comments?
>>> -- 
>>> -j
>> -- 
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