

## Let s use md formatting via a whole new token
in my doc __because__ in bold it is clearer it is important.
Please take care to
# func mysuperFunc() {}

This email to talk about the documentation of go code,
and gocode.

Let me say first, i m very happy about the centralized documentation
offered by the go team.
The fact there is something that just works is great.

Now let s jump into stuffs i feel like not working properly,

1/ the way to document is not so obvious.
There are some documents about the way to go document,
but like template package, i found it difficult to find and read.
Maybe i missed some documents, let me know.

2/ The formatting is never as i expect.
See this example,
and its source

The difference is huge. The result is deceiving.
It adds extra work on a activity we don t necessary all appreciates.

3/ The rules existing today are enforcing us in a way that is not practical.
If i take my previous example, the doc block was
// ReadAssignExpr reads a block of expressions. 
// returns an error if none is found. 
// The next token to analyze must be of type open, 
// the block must end with a token of type close. 
// In between data are read as a golang assign, 
// a = x 
// a, b = x 
// a, b = x, u

So if i d like to make it nice in gocode, i should
uncomment, tab, comment again like this

// ReadAssignExpr reads a block of expressions. 
// returns an error if none is found. 
// The next token to analyze must be of type open, 
// the block must end with a token of type close. 
// In between data are read as a golang assign, 
//      a = x 
//      a, b = x 
//      a, b = x, u

It is not an impossible manipulation, yeah, I m stating that it is just not 
That would be friendlier,

ReadAssignExpr reads a block of expressions. 
returns an error if none is found. 
The next token to analyze must be of type open, 
the block must end with a token of type close. 
In between data are read as a golang assign, 
      a = x 
      a, b = x 
      a, b = x, u

Except the fact i feel like it is unusual to use block code to comments 
expressions, it works better, it is more usable,


But my formatting is still broken as it ignores new lines i inserted.

Also, the code block formatting is in fact a super poor way to present and 
format an information.

4/ I lost the code split i made when i put them into different files.
I had split the code into different files to serve a purpose of separation 
to help clarity (i tried to).
But that is not reflected into gocode, everything appear under one (super 
long) page.

5/ Despite all, i always feel like i missed the "start here indication" 
when i read a doc on gocode.
See my example package, there a nice constructor(yeay), which is a good 
hint about where to start,
but that s it. After you got to find it yourself.
One could do an example method.
Personally i often felt like it worked weirdly, 
i mean it is based on some rules which are not obvious.
Also i often make a cli around a lib, unfortunately main can t be an 
See this other example
and its godoc,

Should gocode relate a method to its test ? Or try to,
for one who does UTesting, that d be great way to demonstrate the lib usage.
again one example,

6/ Finally, after all, one idea i d like to promote, please invent a new 
documentation token.
The two documentations token we used are older than me, and i feel like
we might have better documentation inventing a whole new token that d take 
advantages of nowadays practices.

How about ?

## Let s use md formatting
in my doc __becasue__ in bold it is clearer it is important.
Please take care to
# func mysuperFunc()

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