On Wed, Jan 25, 2017 at 12:40 AM, josvazg <josv...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Here are my takeaways (with a few questions):
> There is not a clearly defined GolangRT subset (at least for now), it is a
> moving target requiring very low level knowledge on the compiler inner
> workings.
> For the runtime, implicit memory allocations are flagged by the compiler
> with a secret option.
> Why not make this available to normal users? won't it be useful on some use
> cases?

Because then we would have to define it formally, as you suggested.
Right now the option just means "whatever we need to help ensure that
the Go runtime is correct."

> When memory is actually needed by the runtime, either use the stack if
> possible or use 'persistentalloc' but no free:
> Can't that mean that the runtime may leak memory if golang userland
> repeatedly requests work so that the runtime calls persistentalloc
> repeatedly?

The runtime doesn't do that.  It only uses persistentalloc for things
that wil remain live for the rest of the program.

> Can in go runtime a stack allocated memory be used by callees of the
> function that allocated that memory on its frame? Or is it restricted to
> only live in its own function?

Memory allocated on the stack in function F can not be used by callees
of F.  After F returns, the memory is gone.

> The runtime must be using it's own memory space, managed separately to the
> one it provides to Golang userland. I infer this as userland memory can be
> requested, freed (by the GC) and even given back to the OS.

Only for the special case of persistentalloc.

> The runtime seems to be:
> A library when userland requests a service from it, so it runs in the same
> thread as the user code?

Yes, although speaking of "threads" can be misleading when talking about Go.

> A set of active tasks, like the GC, that are basically single threaded.

Yes, although the GC is not single threaded.

> When a go program is single threaded as well, does the runtime share the
> thread or does it live on a separate OS thread anyway?

It's misleading to speak of "threads" in a Go program.  A Go program
is never single-threaded.  But if GOMAXPROCS == 1, then in general
only one thread will be executing at a time.  The runtime code doesn't
execute in separate threads, but it does execute in separate

> The stack size for the runtime is static.

For some parts of the runtime, yes, specifically the parts that handle
stack copying.

> GolangRT subset language not only is fuzzy and changing, it is also very
> limited to me generally useful for anything else.



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