On Friday, 23 December 2016 01:00:29 UTC+2, mhh...@gmail.com wrote:
> Not sure i quiet get your meaning about symbolic evaluation, 

It just reminded me how you can do expression simplification in Prolog and 

* http://stackoverflow.com/a/3516781/192220
* https://mitpress.mit.edu/sicp/

> or it s just what i did :x
> Anyways, for whoever else interested
> https://github.com/mh-cbon/template-tree-simplifier 
> <https://www.google.com/url?q=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fmh-cbon%2Ftemplate-tree-simplifier&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNGgMxLhAmGhvyniAJuHOqW3Yop9LQ>
> I was wondering if you have any thoughts regarding the idea to 
> generate the go code not via string manipulation but
> via the go ast capabilities.
> https://golang.org/pkg/go/ast/

Working with text/template (or just printing) + go/format is much easier.

Using go/ast might make sense when you are rewriting based on some rules, 
but not for generating code from scratch.

> I saw there is a printer. I m not quiet sure yet how this going to turn,
> but i felt i was needing a sort of structure to store types of the data
> while generating go code, which was not available when i used text 
> processing.
> I don t want to abuse, but i was also wondering if ESI processing was 
> waking up any of your hears.

I'm not quite sure what you are referring to?

> As i feel more & more confy with the template package i begin to think 
> about this.
> you or anyone else.
> thanks!
> On Thursday, December 22, 2016 at 7:55:10 AM UTC+1, Egon wrote:
>> On Wednesday, 21 December 2016 23:34:54 UTC+2, mhh...@gmail.com wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> back on my initial question about compiling template, i m looking for 
>>> some experienced ideas.
>>> I have now found out i needed to change the ast tree of template in 
>>> order to simplify it for later manipulation.
>> The easiest way I can think of is trying to do it in terms of 
>> symbolically evaluating of the tree and using the actions as the new tree.
>> https://play.golang.org/p/i-QY-7wJYq
>> Obviously doing the same on the actual structure is more annoying.
>>> So for example i transform this
>>> {{ ("what" | up) | lower }}
>>> into
>>> {{ $some := ("what" | up) }}
>>> {{ $some | lower }}
>>> And so on, i d like to reach 
>>> {{ $some := up "what" }}
>>> {{ lower $some }}
>>> Which will be as close as possible to regular go code.
>>> The thing is that the process to do those transformations seems pretty 
>>> fragile and tedious.
>>> I have tree like this
>>>  parse.Tree
>>>    parse.ActionNode
>>>     parse.PipeNode
>>>      parse.CommandNode
>>>       parse.IdentifierNode Ident="up"
>>>       parse.StringNode Quoted="\"some\"" Text="some"
>>>    parse.TextNode Text="\n"
>>>    parse.ActionNode
>>>     parse.PipeNode
>>>      parse.CommandNode
>>>       parse.StringNode Quoted="\"some\"" Text="some"
>>>      parse.CommandNode
>>>       parse.IdentifierNode Ident="split"
>>>       parse.PipeNode
>>>        parse.CommandNode
>>>         parse.PipeNode
>>>          parse.CommandNode
>>>           parse.StringNode Quoted="\"what\"" Text="what"
>>>          parse.CommandNode
>>>           parse.IdentifierNode Ident="lower"
>>>        parse.CommandNode
>>>         parse.IdentifierNode Ident="up"
>>>    parse.TextNode Text="\n"
>>> to simplify, one of the algorithm consist of browsing the structure 
>>> until it match a Pipe containing a Cmd with an Identifier after a Cmd 
>>> with a Pipe
>>> that would match *("what" | lower) | up*
>>> And so on to simplify more and more the tree.
>>> I wonder if there are better ways to achieve this kind of transform.

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