
thanks indeed might definitely be useful. i did a mess by importing some 
html type into my current project.


On Monday, December 19, 2016 at 3:43:44 PM UTC+1, Andy Balholm wrote:
> I don’t know if this will be helpful to you or not, but I’ve made a 
> package that is basically a copy/paste of the autoescaping logic from 
> html/template, but modified to work at runtime instead of when compiling a 
> template: github.com/andybalholm/escaper
> It lets you write your “template” logic in plain Go instead of the special 
> template language, without needing to spend a lot of extra effort on 
> escaping. The runtime impact would be mixed: you would lose the overhead of 
> reflection, but gain the overhead of figuring out HTML contexts at runtime. 
> I don’t know if it would be a net performance gain or not.
> Anyway, your RenderComponent method would look something like this:
> func (b *ButtonRenderer) RenderComponent(wr io.Writer, view 
> mgc.ViewComponentRenderer, args ...interface{}) (string, error) {
> if button, ok := view.(*components.Button); !ok {
> return "", errors.New("wrong type expected components.Button")
> } else {
> e := escaper.New(w)
> tag := "button"
> if button.Attr.Has("href") {
> if button.Attr.Has("disabled") {
> tag = "span"
> } else {
> tag = "a"
> }
> }
> e.Literal("<"+tag+" ")
> for _, v := range button.Attr {
> e.Print(v.Name+"='", v.Value, "' ")
> }
> e.Print("class='", button.Classes.Render(), "' ")
> if button.GetValue() != "" {
> e.Print("value='", button.GetValue(), "'")
> }
> e.Print(">", button.GetLabel(),  "</"+tag+">")
> }
> return "", nil
> }
> The only real thinking about escaping you need to do is deciding whether 
> to use a plus or a comma between strings you want to join, to preserve the 
> proper alternation between literals and values in the arguments to e.Print.
> Andy

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