Thanks a lot for your valuable suggestions. I think the one using SSA form 
will be helpful for my project. 

On Monday, November 28, 2016 at 7:38:13 AM UTC+5:30, 
> If you're building tools for source code analysis, you may find the 
> representation easier to work with than the internals 
> of the compiler.  Build and run this command to see an example:
>   $ go get
>   $ ssadump -build=F fmt
> Alternatively, the cmd/vet tool in the standard library has an internal 
> subpackage that constructs the control-flow graph of a function.  In this 
> representation, each block contains a sequence of Go statements and 
> expressions, not low-level SSA instructions.
> Which of these forms of control-flow graph is most appropriate depends on 
> the (unmentioned) problem you're trying to solve.

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