I think it is worth taking a moments pause and remember that community
is over 25,000+ gophers.  Those are just subscribed users, excludes
just people passing through or who don't formally subscribe (RSS or
other means).

I absolutely agree you shouldn't have to maintain something you have a
moral stance against.  Additionally if the core Go team thinks it
shouldn't be an official place, by all means, eject it form the go
community space.

That said, the idea of intentionally squatting on a namespace to kill
off a community of 25,000+ gophers feels -- gross.  It feels vindictive
not to the CEO of Reddit, but to the 25,000 gophers.

Additional, I suspect it will be ineffective.  A new subreddit will
popup and rebuild /r/golang2 or /r/goproglang or whatever.  If you want
to stop maintaining it -- at least at this point you could hand it off
to some experienced reddit users who could continue to try to make it a
worthwhile place and show respect (even in disagreement) to those
gophers who happen to like a place that you may not.

On Thu, Nov 24, 2016, at 18:53, Brad Fitzpatrick wrote:

> In light of the CEO of Reddit admitting to editing user comments (see
> dozen news stories today), I propose we delete the /r/golang
> subreddit.

> That is so beyond unethical and immature, I no longer want anything to
> do with that site. I will be deleting my account on Reddit after
> backing up my content, and I will no longer be a moderator of
> /r/golang.

> If other moderators of /r/golang feel strongly that it should remain,
> I suppose you're welcome to keep it going.

> But if the other moderators want to abandon it and focus our
> conversation elsewhere (or build a replacement), I'm happy to just
> delete /r/golang.

> Opinions?



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