On Fri, Sep 30, 2016 at 3:19 AM,  <laxman.vallan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Point 2:
> I am not familiar with "time" libraries of other programming languages. When
> the time zone given is EST, library should ideally check the current System
> time and verify if it is in Daylight Saving OR Not Daylight Saving period
> and should provide the result accordingly. Please correct me if am wrong.

The Go library uses the timezone information from your system (on
Unix, in /usr/share/zoneinfo or some such place), so if your system
says that EST is always five hours from UTC, that is what you will
get.  That is what the timezone database generally says: EST is always
five hours from UTC.  On some systems, besides the choices you have
already found, you can use EST5EDT to get a timezone that pays
attention to daylight savings time.


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