Thanks for the suggestions.

Yes during specific set of months, EST is considered as EDT due to daylight 
During EDT the difference is 4 hours and during EST the difference is 5 

Using America/New_York instead of EST, gives the expected result as 4 hours.

I would like to give input as EST and map to America/New_York for 
LoadLocation, and get the output. Similarly for other timezones which has 
Daylight Savings.
This solves the issue I was trying, but like to know if there is any side 
effects due to this. 
 Correct me if am wrong.

On Thursday, 29 September 2016 20:48:03 UTC+5:30, 
> Hi,
> Google shows difference between EST and UTC as 4 hours whereas go logic 
> gives 5 hours difference in time. 
> Is there any issue in my logic??
> Thanks
> LV

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