even GnuPG 1.4 is way, way too much hammer for your task.

Of course it is.

But our users know what GnuPG is, and they would, we assume,
trust it without any prompting from us.

There are many other encryption programs around, perfectly
capable of symmetrical encryption where key distribution
is not a problem. However, we do not want to be in the
position to tell the recipients: Trust ~us~, XYZ is secure
to use to send ~your~ secrets over the public net.

(we also don't want to tell them: install XYZ on your
computer if you want to be able to use what we sent you.
We also don't want to bring browsers/serves into play; the
files are distributed as e-mail attachments, if the users
consider it necessary, they can deal with the stuff on
off-line computers. Some of them actually do just that).

R. Bag

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