Alejandro Colomar via Gnupg-users wrote:
> I don't use git to be able to roll back, but rather to know at which
> state a backup is.  For example, I gave a backup to a family member last
> time I saw him, and I know that backup is N commits behind my current
> keyring.

As a random idea (which you may have already had), you could
include the output of a keyring listing along with the

Putting that data in git notes is an option if you don't
want the commit message to be too large.  While that doesn't
improve the diff between things, it does make it easier to
know the state of the keyring at each commit.

For diffing, you could also use a script to dump the keyring
(via git show or whatever) and pipe it to gpg to list.  That
could make comparing the revisions a little easier.

I've thought about doing some similar to track a collection
of binary music files -- but have never gotten around to
doing it. :)


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