Alejandro Colomar via Gnupg-users wrote in <eiecwibyxdcdzxnc5ywsxa35akdcppomgzkelx5ipyom2iesed@wsjm2kgisgbt>: |I have my ~/.gnupg keyring under git source control, which helps |creating and updating backups, and also having a history of the changes. |I find that having the contents in binary format is odd, and think it |would be much better if it was all stored in text files. I would be |able to understand the diffs, and if a failure happens before a backup, |I'd probably be able to at least diff(1) the contents of the keyring and |recover something.
I do that too. (In fact i even have three different PGP directories, ehem, all 1.4 still, i am sorry, but these are pgp-nosecrets.git (no secring, only public key), pgp.git (mutilated private key, for creating signatures, but which cannot be exported or whatever, and has its own specific password; thanks again for this great idea and fantastic possibility!), and ~/sic/pgp.git (there it is).) |Would you consider developing a new format for the keyring, where stuff |is divided in small text files, just like most Unix stuff? And how about using a LMDB database. Seriously, i also hate it, but even more seriously, how about exporting at times stuff via "--list-keys/--list-sigs --with- colons --verbose", and then further process the output if you want? Ie hop from ^pub to ^pub, use "--list-key ID" and then even "--armor --export ID". --steffen | |Der Kragenbaer, The moon bear, |der holt sich munter he cheerfully and one by one |einen nach dem anderen runter wa.ks himself off |(By Robert Gernhardt) _______________________________________________ Gnupg-users mailing list