Hello, I learned about Air32F103, another clone of STM32F103. Unfortunately, there is no reference manual available yet.
Air32F103: https://wiki.luatos.com/chips/air32f103/index.html Datasheet (in Chinese) *is* available here: https://wiki.luatos.com/chips/air32f103/hardware.html I looked around the code at: https://gitee.com/iosetting/air32f103-template/blob/master/Libraries/AIR32F10xLib/inc/air32f10x_rcc.h Because we can see a constant RCC_USBCLKSource_PLLCLK_4Div5, I guess that it could run at 108MHz with 0 wait cycle, USB enabled. If we don't care about side channel signal (for flash accelerator), perhaps, it could run at 216MHz. Currently, for Gnuk, GD32F103 (which is used for FST-01SZ) runs at 96MHz with 0 wait cycle, USB enabled. (It can run at 108MHz, but not with USB.) -- _______________________________________________ Gnupg-users mailing list Gnupg-users@gnupg.org https://lists.gnupg.org/mailman/listinfo/gnupg-users