Hi, All,

My name is Martin, and I'm  from south China.  I've invested nearly a month
in searching for IKEv2 vpn auth with yubikey on macos. I have installed
pgp-agent already.  I try to choose the cert in yubikey  and hopefully the
pgp-agent could interact with yubikey, but failed to prompt every time when
i started IKEv2 vpn connection.

I am wondering if there's any possibilities to do it ? Could anybody advise
on this issue ?  Appreciated in advance.

1. SSH auth works fine with yubikey on my macos. But there's no command
like 'enable-ssh-support' for IKEv2 VPN.

.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf  on my mac for ssh auth shown below:

pinentry-program /opt/homebrew/bin/pinentry-mac
default-cache-ttl 600
mac-cache-ttl 7200

2. I've achieved IKEv2 vpn auth with yubikey on windows. It seems windows
can interact with Yubikey perfectly but not on macos.

Looking forward to hearing from you, Thank you.

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