Am 06.04.22 um 18:15 schrieb Robert J. Hansen via Gnupg-users:
>> You're barking up the wrong tree: It wasn't me who brought politics to
>> this list.
> You're the one who is turning a single throwaway line in someone's
> signature block into an angry argument.
No. But you're the one who obviously _must_ have the last word.

>> Nonsense. The OP issued a statement, I replied and that could have been
>> it. It is you who is obviously thriving on extending this discussion.
> It "could have been it", I am certain, if he had apologized, removed the
> line from his signature block, and stopped.  Had he done otherwise we'd
> be right where we are now.
Assumptions are the mother of all disasters.

> Regardless: I think I've made my position clear.  He is under no
> obligation to remove a line from his signature block that you object to
> on purely political grounds.  Let's drop this subject and return to
> talking about GnuPG.


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