seems as though my entry into this realm was clearly... bad.  I wanted
to learn the system without using separate encryption software like
kleopatra.  I wanted to know how to do it with just gpg and any email
provider.  It's difficult, and I have a lot to learn.

Don't do that. Seriously. This is like saying "I want to learn how to farm like my grandparents did!" Farming is hard enough: voluntarily doing without, you know, *electricity* is just crazy. (In the United States, many farms were without electricity until the 1940s!)

These easy-to-use tools exist for a reason: to make GnuPG easy to use. If you insist on doing things the hard way you have only yourself to blame. First learn how to use GnuPG, and then figure out how to use GnuPG like you would if it was 1992 after you've got your basic skills down.

and... I was hoping that, since I have your email, key ID, and fingerprint ;)
I could write an encrypted message to your sixdemonbag email.  I'd
completely understand if you'd rather not.  I just have now found
myself luring friends and relatives into learning this with me and
exchanging encrypted emails and... it's not going well.

You may want to check out a mailing list like PGPNET, which exists specifically to give people experience in sending/receiving encrypted mail. :)

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