What other keys would it hold?


pub   ed25519/1E7A94D4E87F91D5 2021-02-22 [SC]
uid                 [ultimate] Robert J. Hansen <rob@hansen.engineering>
uid                 [ultimate] Robert J. Hansen <r...@sixdemonbag.org>
sub   cv25519/7D6CCDB66CA1202F 2021-02-22 [E]

My public certificate has two keys: an Edwards-25519 signing key and a Curve-25519 encryption key.

Back in the '90s, certificates almost always held a single key that was used for both encryption and signing. Then we realized, "if the courts force us to give our decryption key to the cops so they can read our traffic, we're also giving them the ability to impersonate us." Since then, virtually every OpenPGP certificate has had at least two keys: one for signing and one for encryption.

There are cases where three or more keys are appropriate, but they're kind of outside the scope of the current discussion.

Sure it does.  I did that no more than twenty minutes ago myself.

So I typed the gpg --import > certificate.txt command and it says "no
such file or directory: certificate.txt" (certificate has a different
name of course).

Did you notice the command is "gpg --import < certificate.txt"?

I placed the file in my .gnupg hidden folder.

Then you'd need to do "gpg --import < ~/.gnupg/certificate.txt". If certificate.txt isn't in your current directory, you need to tell Linux where to look for it.

Here is really the root of my problem.  As you probably know, I'm not
using a Web Key Service/Directory enabled email provider, so if I were
to get an encrypted message intended for me, I'd have to copy the
encryption text, paste it into txt file, then import/decrypt it like
that with: gpg --decrypt ~/Desktop/encryptedfile.txt | perl
-MMIME::QuotedPrint -0777 -nle 'print decode_qp($_)'

That's shockingly bad.

Try using an email client with OpenPGP support built-in. On Linux the two major choices are Evolution and Thunderbird.

That's a command I found online from a source that I've been using for
learning pgp.

Please stop using that resource.  As mentioned above, it's shockingly bad.

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