On Thu,  8 Apr 2021 11:19, Robert J. Hansen said:

> Werner, are you still set on org-mode as the native format, or has
> Markdown+Pandoc matured enough to also be acceptable?

Yes, pretty please.  The FAQ is part of the website which gets
automatically build from org-mode.  However, if you want to do a
complete rewrite, you may start in markdown and I will convert it back
then.  But please keep the links intact.

Thanks for reconsidering to work with us.  In fact I have quite some
difficulties with the FSF and that started many years ago.  There is a
reason why some of us maintainers started the https://gnu.tools thing.



I would really like to avoid the RFC-4880bis experience where way to
much time was spent on converting a nearly finished draft to whatever
markdown dialect is currently en-vogue (some Ruby thing right now).

Die Gedanken sind frei.  Ausnahmen regelt ein Bundesgesetz.

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