On Sun, 2020-12-13 at 22:20 +0100, Stefan Claas via Gnupg-users wrote:
> I will release tomorrow, if time permits, the GUI based versions,
> on GitHUb, created with the help of the fyne toolkit.
> https://ibb.co/rxYcXvq

This is snake oil.  Please do not use it.  Stefan's claims are not
rooted in mathematics.  Ingo's criticism is bang-on accurate.

> > checkers I thought why not try to create a little program that
> > you can input your passphrase and it gets converted to a random
> > chars string (40 chars), based either on sha256+base91 or
> > ripemd-160 output.

Digest algorithms do not produce random output.

They do not even produce cryptographically secure pseudorandom output.

A digest algorithm is not a CSPRNG.  The construction Stefan is using
here is known to fail many important tests of a CSPRNG.

> > The idea here is to use phrases which makes no sense but
> > can easily been remembered and then get converted so that
> > you always have IMHO good random input for GnuPG.

Don't do this.  The entire step is unnecessary and adds literally zero
security to GnuPG.

> > Please note I am only noodling around with Golang and I am
> > not a programmer!

Nor is he a cryptographic engineer.

Please do not use this, or if you do, use it at your own risk.

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