I will release tomorrow, if time permits, the GUI based versions, on GitHUb, created with the help of the fyne toolkit.
https://ibb.co/rxYcXvq Regards Stefan On Thu, Dec 10, 2020 at 4:11 PM Stefan Claas <spam.trap.mailing.li...@gmail.com> wrote: > > Hi all, > > while playing with hashcat, diceware passphrases and entropy > checkers I thought why not try to create a little program that > you can input your passphrase and it gets converted to a random > chars string (40 chars), based either on sha256+base91 or > ripemd-160 output. > > The idea here is to use phrases which makes no sense but > can easily been remembered and then get converted so that > you always have IMHO good random input for GnuPG. > > For that task I created two little Golang programs which > asks the user to input a phrase that makes no sense and > while the user is typing in his passphrase bullets are > displayed, like in pinentry, and then the random 40 chars > get copied to the clipboard, so that users can paste > the passphrase into GnuPG. > > In order that this works under Linux/Unix too you need > to install xclip or xsel and don't forget to clear the > clipboard after usage. > > Example #1 > > Input: Alice+eats&red+stones > > Output program #1: 8rW3<HnS!UCQ)83@(|t{QRR<KDhJ$`]&k(b;yJjE > Output program #2 a6a549d45f1e5c3fabfba37003541c3fa7f26d13 > > Exampl #2 > > Input: grüne-Füchse-fliegen#weich (= green-foxes-flying#soft) > > Output program #1: $j{hDH!5m4O[9JcPVBbHLlM^]R]RJ%yJoPr:IxAD > Output program #2: 89216958ceed145dd03a6d23afa7ae93b27457e9 > > Example #3 > > Input mixed languages question: has*Bob*deutsche*ÄÖÜs? > > Output program #1 fq7Mr469cU#d%uOIX?zG?:^@^y[n152_OUvp8|gB > Output program #2 9f770781c96d72b9974421ea72b523c019714a1f > > Hope you like the idea and maybe others come up with better > solutions. > > Attached are the two programs as Golang source code. > > Please note I am only noodling around with Golang and I am > not a programmer! > > Regards > Stefan > > Resources: > > https://www.gnupg.org/gph/en/manual/c481.html > https://www.armourinfosec.com/password-cracking-with-hashcat/ > http://passwordstrengthcalculator.com/index.php > http://rumkin.com/tools/password/passchk.php _______________________________________________ Gnupg-users mailing list Gnupg-users@gnupg.org http://lists.gnupg.org/mailman/listinfo/gnupg-users