Dmitry Alexandrov wrote:
> Stefan Claas <> wrote:
> > Enigmail for Thunderbird on a fresh Ubuntu system
> > when clicking on a signed message from a friend, which has properly set-up 
> > WKD Thunderbird/Enigmail can not fetch the pub
> > key. :-(
> Unfortunately, ‘can not’ is not very informative description.  Does it return 
> any error?  How do you know that even tries?

Sorry, for the bad description. When having a signed message in Enigmail
and you do not have the pub key in your key ring it shows a yellow bar and
ask if you like to decrypt the message. When clicking on the decrypt button
it searches key servers and not WKD.

> > What have I to do that this works? I thought that GnuPG and Enigmail 
> > nowadays defaults to WKD too.
> You mean, that you expect, that GPG should silently fetch absent keys when 
> checking signatures out of a box?  No, it does not
> do that:


Thanks, with auto-key-retrieve and auto-key-locate WKD etc. it works when
clicking on the decrypt button in Enigmail or the lock button in Claws-Mail


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