Hi Stefan

Since you and Andrew are using smard cards or tokens I would like to
ask the following, prior considering purchasing one myself in the near

Well my first choice - as it is a OpenSource product - is always a Nitrokey [1], I use both the NK Start as well as the NK Pro.

But also see the following....

I use Windows 10 and Android (Samsung A40) and would like to know,
in case the is possible with my smartphone and under Windows 10 to
use a smard card where I can enter a PIN, thus only putting a secret
key without a passphrase on it, for ease of use, because my bank card
also has only a PIN. Is there software for such PIN entering for Win
and Android availalble and if so what Android email client software
would you or Andrew recommend, which allows to use a secret key without
a passphrase from a smard card?

Well, Nitrokeys do also work on Android devices, with a USB-Adapter.

In case you want to use your SmartCard/Token on the Andoid device via NFC, the best choice would be a Yubikey 5 NFC [2].

The Windows software to enter the PIN-Code is your PGP Software with SmartCard Support. On Android you should use Openkeychain for that.

As Android e-mail-client the most people who use PGP, also use K9-Mail;
my personal preference and my strong recommendation is the app called "FairEmail", as this app supports both, PGP (via Openkeychain) and also S/MIME.

I hope i have been able to help you a bit.

Best regards

[1] https://www.nitrokey.com/de
[2] https://www.yubico.com

Juergen M. Bruckner

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