Hello Stefan,

despite my cooperation with the p≡p foundation, the lack of support for
smart cards and tokens is THE knockout criterion why I do not use
sequoia pgp.

It's a good question what to do if you lose your SC or token.
Basically, it has to be said that you should definitely have a backup of
your key. And you have to be very careful with your SC or tokens.
In principle it is almost the same as losing your credit card or
passport etc. while traveling; you have to provide alternatives (e.g.
multiple smartcards).


Am 08.07.20 um 21:17 schrieb Stefan Claas:
> Juergen Bruckner via Gnupg-users wrote:
>> Well i think that's one more reason why you need a smart card or token
>> like GnuPG-Card or Nitrokey (or a Yubikey for my sake).
> Hi Juergen,
> well the thing is I no longer use GnuPG and instead sequoia pgp, which
> currently has no smard-card support IIRC.
> And regarding smard cards, what do people do when they are traveling
> and the smard card gets by accident broken or lost?
> Regards
> Stefan

Juergen M. Bruckner

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