karel-v_g--- via Gnupg-users wrote:
> Hello!
> The German translation should be "Aufsichtsbehörde" (or even better
> "Rechtsfähige Anstalt des öffentlichen Rechts"). In fact I don't know
> the exact translation and didn't find any appropriate in
> Google-Translate or deepl. So "supervising authorities" was my best
> guess without being a native speaker... Does this change the meaning
> or anything else? Karel


while it is not my business, I do not understand why you have to take
care about the Thunderbird issue, as a users and not the
Aufsichtsbehörde ... If for example you have a job at the
Aufsichtsbehörde then ok, like I said, I would contact gnupg.com and
ask them if GnuPG Desktop (A Windows app) fits for your working
environment and in case not what they would suggest, because the
Aufsichtsbehörde should have IMHO funds to issue a professional
licensed working solution for their employees.

In case you only have to deal as a gpg4win user with the
Aufsichtsbehörde via email, then I don't understand how would they
detect if you would not comply by using later the new Thunderbird,
without BSI approval.

P.S. please don't take it personal!


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