On 2020-03-02 at 14:23 +0000, Gubba, Srikanth (HNI Corp) wrote:
> Thank you for your response , please see this screen shot it has both keys.

> I have imported secret key but still getting same error message , can you 
> please help on this.

Oh, I didn't look closely enough at the error in the original.

} gpg: encrypted with 2048-bit ELG key, ID 7E5B6A6AB3392A8D, created 2018-06-12
}       "HNICorp <itserviced...@hnicorp.com>"
} gpg: public key decryption failed: Timeout

I think that this is GnuPG timing out while waiting for the private key
to be unlocked via a passphrase pop-up.

On Unix, it's done with "pinentry", I don't know Windows so don't know
the details there.  But hopefully this provides enough to point you in
the right direction.

On Unix, if you don't see a pop-up, then usually either something else
already has a gpg-agent pop-up open, or something is not configured
right to invoke the pop-up correctly.


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