On 2020-02-28 at 22:31 +0000, Gubba, Srikanth (HNI Corp) via Gnupg-users wrote:
> When I want to decryption for the encrypted file am getting below error 
> message :

> gpg: using subkey 7E5B6A6AB3392A8D instead of primary key 1CC8C8AD84BF7E76
> gpg: encrypted with 2048-bit ELG key, ID 7E5B6A6AB3392A8D, created 2018-06-12
>       "HNICorp <itserviced...@hnicorp.com>"
> gpg: public key decryption failed: Timeout
> gpg: decryption failed: No secret key
> I have imported my private and public key and trusted ultimately but still 
> getting same error message . Can you please help me on this.

You have not imported the private key.

You can list which private keys you do have with:

    gpg --list-secret-keys

If you do see the 1CC8C8AD84BF7E76 key listed, look closely to make sure
that you also have the 7E5B6A6AB3392A8D sub-key, which the file was
encrypted to.  If you don't have that sub-key, you'll need to find it
and import it too.


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