Sheogorath via Gnupg-users:
> I'm sorry to disappoint you here: Neither ProtonMail nor Tutanota speak
> proper OpenPGP (by default) with outside services. Tutanota doesn't
> speak OpenPGP at all and completely bound to their own way of doing
> "email"(?)[1].
> Protonmail on the other hand is able to speak OpenPGP, they just don't
> do it. Not even when you answer to a OpenPGP encrypted email, which will
> result in the answer getting send to you in plaintext. And since a reply
> contains a copy of the original email at the bottom you also get your
> own, previously encrypted mail as answer without encryption.
> I had this experience recently when sending emails with their support.
> So it's not just a user error, but their UI simply doesn't think about
> sending emails properly encrypted to the outside world. Sadly.

I asked about this in
if someone with more experience than me wouldn't mind imparting their

Caleb Wolf

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