On 9/30/19 4:38 PM, Jeff Allen via Gnupg-users wrote:
> On 9/30/19 4:58 AM, Roland Siemons wrote:
>> Dear GNUPG developers,
>> We have GOT TO make things simpler.
> <snip>
>> 3/ Please do appreciate that the persons who we are convincing and
>> instructing are not particularly interested in privacy. They need simple
>> approaches.
> ProtonMail or Tutanota.  Both ensure far more privacy and security than
> Gmail.  Both offer free accounts and smartphone apps.  If you need to
> communicate privately with someone, have them get an account.

I'm sorry to disappoint you here: Neither ProtonMail nor Tutanota speak
proper OpenPGP (by default) with outside services. Tutanota doesn't
speak OpenPGP at all and completely bound to their own way of doing

Protonmail on the other hand is able to speak OpenPGP, they just don't
do it. Not even when you answer to a OpenPGP encrypted email, which will
result in the answer getting send to you in plaintext. And since a reply
contains a copy of the original email at the bottom you also get your
own, previously encrypted mail as answer without encryption.

I had this experience recently when sending emails with their support.
So it's not just a user error, but their UI simply doesn't think about
sending emails properly encrypted to the outside world. Sadly.

And no, making a mail account at each of those providers is no solution.
We have email to explicitly not run into this problem.

[1]: https://tutanota.com/faq/#pgp


OpenPGP: https://shivering-isles.com/openpgp/0xFCB98C2A3EC6F601.txt

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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