On Thu, 17 May 2018 10:45, roman.fied...@ait.ac.at said:

> encryption/decryption gateways. In my opinion gnupg development has a
> strong motion towards client-only use-cases, thus I started like

Huh?  Didn't you noticed all the new features we implemented to make the
scripting of key managment easy or the remote use gpg on servers with
private keys kept on the desktop or another secure box?



Regarding my other point in this thread: Your mail is an example
for a hard to read one due to overlong lines and wrong localization of
the the "Re:" prefix in the the subject.  I know that it is not your
fault but due to rong defaults of some MUAs.

#  Please read:  Daniel Ellsberg - The Doomsday Machine  #
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