On 05/08/17 09:04, Stefan Claas wrote:
> On Sat, 5 Aug 2017 02:55:39 +0200, Stefan Claas wrote:
>> On Fri, 4 Aug 2017 23:13:26 +0100, da...@gbenet.com wrote:
>>> (8) zbarimg can display a png like any other but seems not capable
>>> of converting it back to its original form. Am working on a
>>> solution  
>> Hi,
>> sorry to hear that it is not working for you!
>> I tried this already several times and it always worked for me.
> I re-read your reply and saw that you used in point 2:
> qrencode -o david.png david.asc
> please try: qrencode -o david.png < david.asc
> then it should work.
> I also looked for other decoders and found a C++ port of zxing, which
> makes the task shorter in Terminal, because we can omit sed.
> https://github.com/glassechidna/zxing-cpp
> Regards
> Stefan
Hello Stefan,

Firstly the "<" did the trick - I used QtQr - to decode back and then to 
decrypt Kleopatra -
and it worked fine QtQR creates pngs but did not use this feature.

I've tried unsuccessfully to get people on FB to encrypt and have always 
promoted gnupg or
gpg4win but no one seems to take thier privacy very seriously :)


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kind.Stern, sane,every brain-cell perfect and complete even at the moment of 
death. No
delusion.” https://linuxcounter.net/user/512854.html - http://gbenet.com

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