Hi all,

i don't know how many of you folks use social media sites like Twitter
and Facebook etc. and wondered what's a way to post a GnuPG clear
signed message on those sites, due to line width limits or characters
per message limits.

Well, i thought about that to and i like to share an idea with you.

I found out that with short GnuPG clear signed messages a good way
to do that is to encode the message in the popular QR-Code format.

For this task i used the package "qrencode" which is available as
Linux package and can also be compiled under OS X, for example.


So, simply prepare your short GnuPG message and then do a:

$ qrencode -o message.png < message.txt.asc, to obtain a
.png image, ready to be posted on social media sites.

To decode such an image in Terminal simply do a:
(please note: the images when downloaded are then in .jpeg format)


$ zbarimg image.jpg > output.txt && sed "s/QR-Code:-/-/g" output.txt |
gpg --verify

If you know a better and shorter way to decode, please let me/us know.

Hope you find this little tip useful and i hope it may spread the usage
of GnuPG! :-)



Attachment: pgpeUZX6XEUbC.pgp
Description: Digitale Signatur von OpenPGP

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