On Sat, Aug 20, 2016 at 06:05:17PM +0200, Gregor Zattler wrote:
> Hi Ben,
> * Ben McGinnes <b...@adversary.org> [20. Aug. 2016]:
>> On Fri, Aug 19, 2016 at 09:16:47PM +0200, Gregor Zattler wrote:
>> You may have had them in the past and the entry is still in the
>> trustdb.
> This was it.

Excellent.  :)

> Amazing numbers of key fingerprints ending in at least 8 zeros.

Yeah, betting on someone thinking they're more clever than they
actually are is always a safe bet.

>> So deleting it and forcing a rebuild (you can always move
>> the old one somewhere else instead) should recreate the thing without
>> those errors.
> Instead I did gpg --export-ownertrust,  grep -v 00000000: and
> imported the result, thus I did not loose my ownertrust settings
> (e.g. which keys are mine = ultimate trusted).

Yeah, that's a pretty good solution too.  I vaguely recall editing
mine, but it was a while ago and the main thing I took away from the
experience was that it was another fine example in the info sec world
that "a little knowledge is a dangerous thing."  ;)


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