On Thu, Aug 18, 2016 at 11:51:55PM +0200, Gregor Zattler wrote:
> Dear gnupg users/developers,
> I get strange errormessages when listing keys, e.g.:
> $ gpg --list-key doesnotexist
> gpg: Oops: keyid_from_fingerprint: no pubkey
> gpg: Oops: keyid_from_fingerprint: no pubkey
> gpg: key 0x00000000 occurs more than once in the trustdb
> gpg: Oops: keyid_from_fingerprint: no pubkey
> gpg: key 0x00000000 occurs more than once in the trustdb
> gpg: Oops: keyid_from_fingerprint: no pubkey
> gpg: key 0x00000000 occurs more than once in the trustdb
> gpg: Oops: keyid_from_fingerprint: no pubkey
> gpg: key 0x00000000 occurs more than once in the trustdb
> gpg: Oops: keyid_from_fingerprint: no pubkey
> gpg: key 0x00000000 occurs more than once in the trustdb
> gpg: error reading key: public key not found
> This strange key 0x00000000 is not deletable:
> p$ gpg --delete-keys 0x00000000
> gpg: key "0x00000000" not found: eof
> gpg: 0x00000000: delete key failed: eof
> Any ideas, how to get rid of this?

I had this problem a while back when a certain person (I've
encountered 2 and I think there are about half a dozen) joined another
mailing list I'm on for a time.  You need to isolate the keys by the
64-bit long key ID and delete those.  I recommend starting with a
check for this key and deleting it:


The problem occurrs when multiple keys with a short key ID of all
zeroes is created and entered.

You'll probably need to delete and rebuild your trustdb from scratch
and then avoid importing keys with short IDs like that.


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