Feel free to ignore me. As you may know the UK Government is attempting to update or otherwise consolidate its legislation in respect of access to Communications and Other Data for the purposes of law enforcement. In part that is what raised my interest in encryption and caused me to join this list. I am not really any further forward but the interest remains... I should mention that I am not a Diplomat or Advocate but rather a thick keyboard slapper.
I've been following, listening to, The Public Bill Committee Debates with some degree of disappointment given the odds are stacked by the present Government majority and the apparent lack of technical knowledge of those involved in developing this legislation. I am just listening to, http://dl.parliamentlive.tv/ukp/vod/_download/552432b2-0a7d-4dae-a58d-a528a62b7a89_01_64.mp3?dln=20160503_investigatory_powers_bill_committee My apologies for not being able to give an exact time stamp but somewhere about 2 hours in they start discussing encryption and the capability of requesting its removal. I'm not going to try and decipher what is going on here or the thoughts or interpretations of those concerned other than suggest that things appear to fall to pieces or at least there is a veil of uncertainty. Again... feel free to ignore me but it strikes me, and it should be unsurprising, that you lot know what you are talking about given you built GPG and as such I wonder if you might wish to make a direct comment to the committee yourselves. I realise that is a big ask because the underlying information is extensive and spread out across numerous resources. Other problem is the consultation, or this stage of it, closes tomorrow... http://services.parliament.uk/bills/2015-16/investigatorypowers/committees/houseofcommonspublicbillcommitteeontheinvestigatorypowersbill201516.html "Latest news The Public Bill Committee on the Investigatory Powers Bill has now concluded its work, and has reported the Bill to the House with amendments. Once a Public Bill Committee has completed its work it is no longer able to receive written evidence." It appears it is now 'closed'... Next stop[?] 'House of Lords'.. http://services.parliament.uk/bills/2015-16/investigatorypowers.html Otherwise Kier Starmer, Labour, and Joanna Cherry, Scottish National Party, were the committee members who worked hardest to scrutinise and attempt to amend the bill at this particular stage. keir.starmer...@parliament.uk joanna.cherry...@parliament.uk I could be wrong but given the Government majority my impression is that they were not overly successful. However you might wish to ask them for advice and gather your thoughts in order to present your concerns, should you have any, and voice them. This UK legislation will have impact elsewhere. Regards Keith _______________________________________________ Gnupg-users mailing list Gnupg-users@gnupg.org http://lists.gnupg.org/mailman/listinfo/gnupg-users