> On 23 Mar 2016, at 07:27, Dashamir Hoxha <dashoho...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Is it OK to have a signing primary key? Is it useful?

A signing primary key is fine. I prefer making single-use subkeys for each of 
A,E,S but only the E subkey is strictly necessary. You can always generate the 
A,S subkeys later if you find you need them (e.g. if you buy a smartcard), and 
since you can always enforce use of your A,S subkeys (unlike E, where it's out 
of your hands) this shouldn't cause you any issues if you change your mind. 

If you are aiming your tool at beginners then single-use subkeys are probably 
overkill, so the GPG defaults are fine. In general, you should stick to the 
default behaviour unless you can justify doing otherwise. 

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