Sorry to butt in here but in my first post to the list I mentioned that
I was attempting to use FreePascal/Lazarus to interface with GPG via the
command line but whilst I had managed to get it working with OpenSSL
attempting the same methodology on GPG resulted in a 'hang'.

Now I realise I am a novice and whilst Lazarus is supposedly
cross-platform the documentation for Lazarus is hard to interpret
presumably because I am a novice but Lazarus is Pascal and cross
platform and it is Pascal so I would hope more understandable to knuckle
scrapers such as myself.

Someone recently asked about using FreePascal under Windows but made
mention of using a DLL. As far as I am aware FreePascal should give you
a 'direct' command line interface on any platform. I'll be rubbish here
but scratching my head about DLLs reminds me of when I was looking into
'keyloggers' which, under Windows, require a hook into the system if you
wish to capture data across running applications...

Honest I was trying to catch out a 'Microsoft Support Person' who wanted
to fix my computer over the phone.

Anyway, for what it might be worth..

Yes I hate myself already for dropping that one on you with no
explanation but basically it is a GUI that interfaces with OpenSSL via
the command line in order to generate multiple key pairs. As I say
similar does not work on GPG but it would seem that if you can get
access to the command line interface for GPG in a similar manner then,
being naive, it could be a solution

Just floating one


On Tue, 2016-03-22 at 13:55 +0000, Andrew Gallagher wrote:
> > On 22 Mar 2016, at 10:40, Paolo Bolzoni <> 
> > wrote:
> > 
> > And besides, it's much easier to build a GUI app in front of a C API
> > than a command line application.
> This is undeniably true. Unfortunately you first need to learn the API, which 
> can be a barrier to someone who knows the command line interface and just 
> wants to hack together a script to do a particular job. 
> Cryptography is hard, and decades later we still aren't at the point where 
> average computer users can take advantage of it without either first becoming 
> experts or punching holes in the sides of the boat. For that we need to be 
> encouraging hackers and tinkerers to experiment with novel interfaces; and 
> this is best done by giving them the software equivalent of Lego rather than 
> Meccano. 
> This is not a gpg-specific issue. OpenSSL suffers the same problem of having 
> to be both a comprehensive implementation and a user interface, and handles 
> it pretty much the same way, by using a basic command prompt. 
> Where is the gpg equivalent of easy-rsa though? This is a complaint about 
> software tools in general, but for hackers and tinkerers inconsistency across 
> UIs is a significant barrier to entry. If I can't take what I've learned from 
> using the command line for years and apply it (safely) to writing a modest 
> shell script, I'm going to think long and hard before taking the time to 
> learn a Python API. At the very least, any feature accessible through an 
> interactive interface should have an equivalent command line option, so that 
> all interactive operations can trivially be automated. Thought should also be 
> given to whether wrapping all functionality in a single binary with thousands 
> of options is the best interface to present to even expert command line users 
> (again, OpenSSL is another offender). 
> I say this because I found myself in exactly the same boat as the OP. I 
> wanted to write a small script for my technically-proficient but 
> non-cryptography-expert users so that they could easily manage gpg private 
> keys without me worrying that they'd screw it up; and I ended up with a 
> fragile interface very similar to his that needed to be completely refactored 
> using gpgme. Just interfacing with gpg was the most difficult part of the 
> process; the logic that I built on top of it was easy by comparison. This is 
> the wrong way around.
> A
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