On Thu, 19 Mar 2015 11:19, mue...@cryptobitch.de said:

> Is there anything in this listing that would allow me to quickly copy and 
> paste
> (e.g. double click and middle click) in order to further work with the key,
> e.g. edit or encrypt to?

Sorry, I do not understand you.  This is a command line interface and
not a point an click thingie

> The fingerprint would probably be better to identify the key, but, similarly,
> the spaces prevent me from selecting it easily.

Use a GUI tool.

> I thought short keyids are dangerous and should not be used,

They are not more dangerous than long fingerprints.  It depends on what
you want to do.  In my test setting using the short key id is perfectly
okay.  For checking the validity of the key you need to use the
fingerprint and not some keyid or mail address.



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