Hi Xavier,

Am 12.02.2015 um 23:46 schrieb Xavier Maillard:
> Hello,

sorry, just to inform you that I cannot verify your signature:
While trying to verify it, Enigmail (German localization) reports the following:


Fehler - Überprüfung der Unterschrift fehlgeschlagen
Öffentlicher Schlüssel DE2FFC869AFA5165 zur Überprüfung der Unterschrift 

FALSCHE Unterschrift von Xavier Maillard <xav...@maillard.im>

in English: (translated on-the-fly by myself)
Enigmail-security info:

Error - Failed to verify signature
Public key xx required for signature verification

BAD Signature from xx

You might have signed your message with a key different from the one I can
download from the keyserver.
As a security measure I have assigned your key a non-trust attribute.

Best regards

Stephan Beck

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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