On 19/11/14 09:54, Nan wrote:
> First, "charlatan" and "snake oil" imply deceit.

They often do, don't they? I doubt that is what is meant, though. If I look in
the Oxford online dictionary:

Definition of charlatan in English:
A person falsely claiming to have a special knowledge or skill

Definition of snake oil in English:
[mass noun] informal , chiefly North American
1 A substance with no real medicinal value sold as a remedy for all diseases

1.1 A product, policy, etc. of little real worth or value that is promoted as
the solution to a problem

These all seem to definitely be how I interpreted Rob's messages. I personally
never read any implication of wilfull deceit, but I'm famous for missing
nastiness sometimes.[1]

I can completely understand you read an implication of wilfull deceit. I doubt
it is actually there, though. Does this help in defusing?

> We'll have to disagree on whether we should ignore clear evidence about DSA
> because academics haven't published yet. I understand this is very important
> to you because of your NIST association.

I hope you've already defused by now, because this looks like lighting the fuse.
Hopefully by now it's just a bit of fizzing wire, kept well away from the bomb.


[1] Okay, in light of a recent event: sometimes I see nastiness that's not 
there! ;)

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