> On Thursday 12 June 2014 at 1:45:51 AM, in
> <mid:5398f83f.1050...@jerome.cc>, Jérôme Pinguet wrote:
> > I hope the use of a feminine name to depict a robot
> > doesn't raise gender issues. Maybe we could choose a
> > masculine name for a change
> Or maybe an androgenous name, such as "Fran" or "Stacie" or...

Fran & Stac[ie|y] seem female American first names to me (British). 
Leslie is an indeterminate British name.  Jean would be an indeterminate
name for all of {gender, nationality, & pronunciation} :-)

Hurricanes now alternate male & female.  Lows over Germany often
[used to] get the most peculiar names only Germans easily recognise,
let alone could put a gender to (despite those Westerlies blow over
France or British Isles first).

Cars & bikes get no names though some boats foolishly get called She.
Euro fighter plane managers made fools of themselves once, changing
the sex of their planes. (3 genders were available in German, male
female & neuter, They failed to choose Neuter).

Robots seem best with androgenous names, eg Majordomo.

Julian Stacey, BSD Linux Unix C Sys Eng Consultant Munich http://berklix.com
                Interleave replies Below, like a play script.
        Heatwave in Munich.  The longer forecast: http://xkcd.com/1379/

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