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El 01-05-2014 8:55, Werner Koch escribió:
> On Wed, 30 Apr 2014 21:36, faramir...@gmail.com said:
>> I'm thinking, now you are using CAcert certificates, would it be
>> possible to get a CAcert signature on the gpg signing key for
>> GnuPG releases? I know the signing key has been said to be "well
> If they wish to do that they can certainly do so.  I have been an
> an CAcert assurer for many years.

  Oh, great, I'm an assurer too... a very bored one, since nobody
seems to care for assurances in this zone of the globe :P
   But CAcert won't sign any key unless the key owner request it. It
is an automated process, but must be started by the key owner. The key
must carry the name you used when you got assured, and the email
address must have been verified (but freeform UIDs are accepted, if
they have not changed it recently).

> Regarding the release signing key:
> pub   rsa2048/4F25E3B6 2011-01-12 [expires: 2019-12-31] uid
> Werner Koch (dist sig)

  I had to issue a local signature to it ;)

> Now check my primary key:
> $ gpg2 --check-sigs --with-colons 1E42B367 \
> I see more than 70 unique signers since 2008.  Of course it is
> also signed by my old key which has 308 still valid signers.  That
> key used to be on rank 2 of that key signing fun list - up until
> the KDE and Debian guys entered the game ;-)

  Indeed, very impressive, but unfortunately, I still get Marginal
calculated trust, not unexpected, since I only have exchanged
signatures with the very few chilean assurers available. Of course,
I'm not saying you should get a CAcert signature just to please me ;)

  Best Regards
Version: GnuPG v1
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - http://www.enigmail.net/


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