Am Do 01.05.2014, 23:34:30 schrieb Daniel Kahn Gillmor:

> I tend to see it the other way; i'd want to know specifically how the
> proposed information is supposed to be useful *first*, and then (if
> it's a compelling enough case) we can talk about how to specify it.
> --ask-cert-level fails this test, for example.  We don't actually make
> use of that data in any certificate validation algorithm

This is a clear mix up of cause and effect.

You don't discuss a new technical solution but you point at the rather 
trivial (because always given; otherwise no change would be necessary) 
fact that the *current* technical solution limits the use of this 
information. From that you conclude that no change is necessary. To me 
that is quite the opposite of your own demand.

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