Am Mi 16.04.2014, 18:21:16 schrieb Peter Lebbing:
> The usual way it works here would be, in your example, for the dean to
> send the recipients a message with "Please consider the request in
> the attached message", and your message would be attached. That way,
> it is the dean who requests something, and the PhD would be inclined
> to read it.

That is indeed possible but has disadvantages:

a) It does not work with more than one supporter.

b) The supporter becomes more involved in the communication than he 
wants to: He appears as the sender and may receive answers (even bounces 
and autoresponders).

c) The real sender does not have the mail in his sent mail archive thus 
breaking the usual communication structure. In case of doubt he does not 
even know whether the mail has already been sent by the supporter.

d) The same for the recipients: They cannot simply search for a mail 
from the real sender.

e) The supporter must handle the recipients in that case. That may be a 
complicated procedure; he may not even have all the addresses yet.

I guess you agree that the procedure you suggest is possible but would 
be used only due to the lack of something better and not because it was 
the best (or even a good) way of doing that.

The practical question is: Would you vote / argue against the 
development of such a new feature because of the existing possibilities?

A general remark: Some time ago we had a discussion here about the 
future of email. Who's still using it and for what and the like. I think 
with this background it makes sense to consider how email can become 

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