Am Mo 06.01.2014, 01:47:39 schrieb MFPA:

> Most "signed and encrypted" messages created with PGP or GnuPG have
> the two processes applied together - you do not normally decrypt a
> message and then see a signed message as the output.

That is correct. I am not aware of a possibility to get the data and the 
signature from GnuPG. But that doesn't mean it's not possible. AFAIK 
there is no difference in the signature in both cases. So it should be 
easy to patch GnuPG in order to get this data (if there isn't another 
OpenPGP implementation which offers this action).

Use both ways (one step, two steps) to sign and encrypt a file and have 
a look at the result with gpg --list-packets.

Crypto für alle:
OpenPGP: 7D82 FB9F D25A 2CE4 5241 6C37 BF4B 8EEF 1A57 1DF5

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

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