Am Di 03.12.2013, 20:10:32 schrieb Robert J. Hansen:

> UEFI is a surprisingly capable operating environment.  If I can
> compromise your machine, then I put down my own code in the UEFI loader
> and wait for you to reboot your machine.

That's why crypto best practices should be extended to "what hardware to buy". 
Of course, then the point is approaching where your next argument kicks in: 
Complexity which limits the usage to 1% of the population.

But this is what the chipset-based write protection for flash has been 
invented for long ago. That, of course, doesn't exclude the possibility to 
hack the firmware on boot by some bogus NVRAM content... Unfortunately it 
seems to be impossible to ensure that a (normal) system is incapable of 
storing data. Disconnecting the disk just limits the available storage.

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