> From: "Peter Lebbing" <pe...@digitalbrains.com>
> You could build the WoT only on your personal key (which survives switching
> jobs), and set your personal key as ultimately trusted on your work PC (work 
> PC
> only has the public key for your personal key). An ultimately trusted public 
> key
> is no different from installing the private key for trust calculations, I 
> think.
> I tested the situation, it seems the same to me with or without the private 
> key[1].

Ok, this will fix the WoT from my perspective. What about other users importing 
work key? Especially when they don't fully trust my personal key, they will 
trust the work-key, because there are no other links that may generate trust by
having multiple marginally trusted links. They might decide to manually change 
when they see the two keys are actually from the same person, but I guess this
will never be handeled automatically.

> BTW, some people frown on signing a key both with the personal and the work 
> key
> as in your scenario, because you will count as two people in trust 
> calculations
> done by GnuPG.

That shouldn't be a problem, as long as I don't ask people to sign my work key
and don't sign with my work key.

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