On 04/09/13 05:37, Henry Hertz Hobbit wrote:
> I won't answer the other questions because you have grossly misinterpreted
> me.

I never deliberately twist people's words, I hate that[1]. I always try to see
what the person means to say, even if it's not literally what they wrote. But I
often find your walls of text hard to follow, so I'll probably sometimes
misinterpret it. It could be me, or maybe you could phrase better what you
intend to say.

> If you disagree with somebody else's choice do it without being 
> disagreeable.

It was an honest misunderstanding, there is no need to get angry. I'm sorry that
my reply upset you.


[1] Perhaps I might be nasty in different ways if grumpy and stroked the wrong
way, but twisting words is not my thing.

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